A new single from an album described as 'Springtime'
Dale Maplethorpe
15:41 11th January 2023

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Shana Cleveland has recently announced that she will be releasing her very own solo album, which she describes as “Springtime.” To wet the whistles of fans everywhere, she has today released a brand new single, “Faces In The Firelight,” which embodies that springtime sound incredibly well, the by-product of which is a truly beautiful tune.

Though Shana’s solo work is quite folk-driven, the introduction to this song wouldn’t feel out of place in an old school soul track. In fact, with different vocals it would sound right at home in that genre. But when Shana’s voice comes in, it is cemented as a beautiful folk tune, which she has dedicated to her child and life partner.

“The song is about watching Will tend to a huge burn pile that was still going long after dark and realising that out there in the dark field he looked like the ultrasound image we had on our fridge,” she said, “I was thinking that the greatest act of love might be to wait for someone. To say, ‘I’ll be here whenever you’re done, whenever you’re ready.’”

Shana’s voice is the toffee apple of modern music. It’s sweet but sits atop undertones that could lead down other routes. That, paired with the low-toned strings which appear on this song mean that a gorgeous folk tune is also quite trippy, not acid trippy but as if some ash from that burn pile has gotten in your eye and you’ve spent too long trying to get it out. It’s certainly a sound that has us waiting to see what her new album is going to come out like.

The new single ‘Faces In The Firelight’ comes out on March 10th


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Photo: Press