Worm targets computer around the world…
Jason Gregory
11:30 8th August 2007

A new computer virus - entitled, W32. Deletemusic - is posing a threat to MP3 collections around the world.

Industry professionals have said that the worm will eat all MP3’s that it finds on a users hard drive, as well as any on an external memory device that may be attached to the computer.

Ian Yarlott, of Trend Micro, the internet security group, said that if the deletemusic worm infects an external memory card that it “can then spread the worm to any other computer it is put into, something that could cause misery for thousands of music fans.”

Besides suggesting that users ensure their anti-virus software is up to date so that they don’t lose their favourite Killers tracks, Mr Yarlott added: “It always pays to think before attaching an external memory card to your computer. Having all of your music on your hard drive and not backing it up is asking for trouble – try to back it up on to a DVD for safe keeping."

The worm affects PCs running on Windows 2000, 95, 98, Me, NT, Server 2003, XP and Vista., reports The Times.


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