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Metric's New Album '75 Percent' Complete

Says Jimmy Shaw...

Metric's New Album '75 Percent' Complete
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  • Metric’s Jimmy Shaw has revealed that the Canadian four piece are “about 75 percent” done with the recording of their new album.

    The band have been writing songs for the follow up to 2005’s ‘Live It Out’ in Seattle and at the Toronto Shaw owns with former DFA 1979 man Sebastien Grainger.

    He told Billboard: "It's been an amazing process so far. Sonically, we picture space a lot -- literally outer space and stars and planets and shit.

    It's like a church that's somewhere in outer space that we're playing in. I imagine some weird minister in a giant silver suit."

    Speaking about the Lyrical content of the songs Shaw added: "It's definitely got a positive tinge that was not in our music before.  It's like, OK, we know the world's going to shit. That's not really a novel concept.

    “But it's becoming more increasingly interesting to imagine what it would be like if it wasn't and what it might be like if it was better and what we can do to make it better. That's infinitely more interesting to me."

    The guitarist admitted that he does not know as yet when the band will return to the studio to record the album because of their commitments to various side projects.

    However, he stated that he doesn’t see those projects as a problem and in fact they help Metric in many ways.

    "Those things are interesting because of (Metric); (Metric) is interesting because of those things," Shaw said.

    "When you get to do a bunch of things in life and they all kind of contribute to helping each other out, you get to revisit everything with renewed energy, renewed confidence and renewed inspiration."

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