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Johnny Marr Backs Radiohead's 'Fantastic' Album Plan

Ian Brown has a word too...

Johnny Marr Backs Radiohead's 'Fantastic' Album Plan
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  • Ian Brown and Johnny Marr have lent their full support to Radiohead’s radical way of releasing their album ‘In Rainbows.’

    The indie legends were speaking at the Q Awards yesterday and both supported the idea of taking the power away from the record labels and into the artist’s and fan's own hands.

    Radiohead, of course, have given their fans the opportunity to download their new album ‘In Rainbows’ for any amount they want – one penny to £100.

    Johnny Marr told the BBC: "I think it's a really fantastic idea because it puts the responsibility back on people's own consciences and deals with people as grown ups."

    "It's not hiding behind any corporate nonsense, it's just saying 'this is the way it is, let's get on with it'.

    "Everyone knows you can get your music for free, so let's see if you really want to show the band your appreciation."

    Referring to The Charlatans’ plans to give away their album for totally free, Ian Brown said: “I've heard about bands putting out free albums. The idea of that is that they'll then sell concert tickets and that's how they'll get the money back. Anything that's going to break the game up like that, I support it."

    • I haven’t bought a album in a long time, except for today...when I decided I would give my money directly to the artist. Show support for artists work and help encourage other artists to follow suit.

      ~ by vardBark 10/11/2007

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