by C Taylor

Tags: The Pixies

Kim Deal Accuses Frank Black Of Publicty Seeking

With new Pixies record talk....


Kim Deal Accuses Frank Black Of Publicty Seeking


Kim Deal has talked down the prospect of a new Pixies record, accusing singer Frank Black of bringing up the prospect whenever he has a solo record to promote.

Expectations the seminal rockers would release new material following their massively successful reunion tours were high, but bassist Deal says - aside from one-off song 'Bam Thwok' - there will be no new Pixies record.

She tells Pitchfork, "I think it gets talked about whenever Charles (Black's real name) has any release, which is often. I have a feeling that's when he talks about it more than anything.

"Because him and Joe haven't gotten together to write any songs, so I think it's kind of something to bring up whenever he needs press. That's the only time I hear about it. I have no idea, dude."

She goes on to explain the main motivation behind the Pixies getting back together was to give guitarist Joey Santiago's kids a better education.

She explains, "This whole thing started out, we were going to do a couple of shows. Joe said he had one kid and one was on the way, and he said, 'Do you wanna do it?' And I said, 'Oh God, no, Joe!' And I told everybody this, but nobody believes me.

"And he said, 'Kim, this is really important to me. It will change my school district, where I can put my daughter into school.' And I said, 'Okay, of course. Of course, I will do this.'"

The fact Deal herself is talking about it during an interview about her own new record is, perhaps, an irony lost on Kim.

Her own band The Breeders release 'Mountain Battles' next year, and Kim says - in another possible dig at Frank Black - that quality control over her song-writing is the main reason for the five year gap since the group's last long player.

"I'm not the quickest, most prolific writer, I would never pretend to be," she explains. "I don't think prolific-ness is equal to quality at all. I would rather have one song that people actually like than 15 songs that they can barely stand. But that's just me."


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