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In Demand For 2008!

The past twelve months in music has sometimes felt like Jurassic Park come to life with long in the tooth rock legends stealing the headlines with their stadium sized comebacks and scaly, over tanned skin. But, amongst the zimmer frames and bald spots new music has still managed to flourish. The likes of Kate Nash, Klaxons, The Enemy, Jack Penate, The Maccabees, Jamie T, Hadouken!, The Wombats and The View all managed to break through with critical acclaim and some level of chart success while Yeasayer, Justice, and Maps became cult hits. Once again we have reached the first week of a new year, this time 2008, so Gigwise is hear to unveil what we see as the top new acts for the 365 days ahead.

We’re not going to pretend to Mystic Meg, we can’t actually predict the future, but what we can say at the start of the year is that 2008 feels slightly different to the past few years. Yes there is some exciting new talent around - bands that make the hair stand up on the back of necks and solo artists that send a shiver down our spine - but at this moment in time it doesn’t feel like there is a megastar on the horizon. Obviously we’re hoping to be drastically proved wrong and at least one of the following acts will no doubt do that in a big way.

You may notice that we haven't included Foals, Los Campesinos!, Blood Red Shoes, I Was A Cub Scout, Friendly Fires, Does It Offend You, Yeah?  or Light Speed Champion in the list. This is because they were named last year - obviously we're just so good we were on them early!

Here are our top ten tips for 2008:

Black Kids [listen] REVIEW

An easy call, despite all the hype that might have already put some people off the Jacksonville quintet, Black Kids are the form horse. They travelled to London is December with a lot to live up to and quite frankly hit the ball out of the park. Their music is a whole class of influences from the obvious indie-electro tag to the epic guitar solos of 80s soft rock through to the do-whop vocals of 60s soul girl groups which allows them to be the perfect party band for 2008 while still being heartfelt at the same time. If you haven’t got their self release EP ‘Wizard Of Ahhhs’ get it now!

Glasvegas [listen]

For the last few year’s when Alan McGee has tipped a band Gigwise has generally ran in the other direction but with Glaswegians Glasvegas his Midas touch seemingly returned. One listen to 2007 single ‘Daddy’s Gone’ and we were convinced that this band were set to be the next big thing in Scottish music. They’re are like the antidote to the virus that has been angular guitars with their wall of sound rockabilly framing James Allan’s heartbreaking vocals that even had Lisa Marie Pressley calling them up. Still unsigned, somehow we expect they’ll be ditching that tag in the very near future.

Late Of The Pier [listen] INTERVIEW

It feels like Late Of The Pier’s year after a couple spent steadily gathering attention and playing second fiddle to others. The Castle Donington four piece head out on their biggest UK tour to date in February and a debut album is due later in 2008, both should cement their place as one of the countries most interesting bands and hopefully thrust them further into the limelight. Alongside the likes of Hadouken! they’re also one of the darlings of the under-age circuit which has flourished in recent years and looks set to take off even further in the next twelve months.

MGMT [listen]

New York based duo MGMT may just be the luckiest musicians alive, it’s a long story but the crux of it is that they were basically signed after they’d split up by Columbia Records who’d heard several of their tracks online. With the UK release of their superb debut album ‘Oracular Spectacular’ in the first half of 2008 you’ll be hearing plenty about them, including an interview with Gigwise next week, and their eccentric electro noodling that sounds like The Flaming Lips on even more acid than usual. Listen to ‘Time To Pretend’ and try and disagree with us, we dare you.

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  • fantastic list - much like the one I’ve been compiling for a while.

    ~ by jamiem | Send Message | 1/2/2008

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  • Oh but also watch out for Tired Irie. Fantastic band.

    ~ by jamiem | Send Message | 1/3/2008

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  • Watch out for SebastiAn in 2008.

    ~ by Barry Grant | Send Message | 1/3/2008

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  • Dont forget the wonderful Alexis Blue!

    ~ by Charlie 1/3/2008

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  • Where were El Policia?

    ~ by Manchester's finest 1/3/2008

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