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Frances Bean Cobain On 'Creepy' Nirvana Fans

Not to mention Hole devotees...

Frances Bean Cobain On 'Creepy' Nirvana Fans
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  • The daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain says she finds attention from fans of her parents’ bands “creepy”.

    Frances Bean Cobain, 15, says she “gets” why Nirvana and Hole fans would take an interest in her – but it still freaks her out.

    Speaking in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, where she appears in a fashion spread, she explains, “These people are fascinated by me, but I haven't done anything.

    "If you're a big Nirvana fan, a big Hole fan, then I understand why you would want to get to know me, but I'm not my parents.

    “I get it, I really do, but at the same time it's creepy. People need to wait until I've done something valid with my life."

    As to what that might be, Frances says she’s considering photography or the noble profession of the professional journalist.

    “I'm taking my time. But I get asked what I want to do all the time because of my parents and because of the life I live,” she says.

    • What I find creepy is 15 yr olds doing fashion spreads.

      ~ by the yak | Send Message | 2/10/2008

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    • ”These people are fascinated by me, but I haven’t done anything.” Then why the fuck is she doing a fashion spread in the first place?! Same with that dickhead Peaches Geldof. Although Peaches does ride mummy and daddy’s coat-tails out of choice...

      ~ by Wyn 2/10/2008

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    • i can understand her feelings BUT what the hell IS she doing a fashion spread so damn young? she would not be doing it if her last name was Smith and her mother didn’t take her to every single friggin’ event that kids her age really shouldn’t be going to.i can guarantee one thing though, if one could roll over/around whatever in there grave, he would! but she had him cremated- CREEPY is all the sick fucks that stole his ashes out of his urn while the Mrs’ was out of town!

      ~ by inkaika 2/11/2008

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    • The whole world she is in is sick manipulating teenagers to act like adult women. At least she shows some healthy detachment from it. What more could one expect from a Hollywood child? Lourdes is only eleven, and more fashion- and attention-obsessed. Madonna has done creepier parenting that Courtney Love. I hope Frances becomes a responsible journalist, not like all those mental cases that earn money from peoples lives.

      ~ by NoName 2/11/2008

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    • You are all right but given the chance of a jump-start in life like that, who wouldn,t exploit it. Be like given the chance of a lottery win or a paper-round. Mmmmm I,m fancying the paper-round... NOT. She,s full of it though. Trying to make out she,s not loving every minute of it... She should just be greatful and let everyone else be jealous and bitch behind her back. She,l have the last laugh.

      ~ by me 2/21/2008

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