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The Reverend: Leona Lewis Is Devoid Of Talent

While new rave is 'a con'....

Never one to keep his opinions to himself, The Reverend Jon McClure has lambasted new rave and, wait for it, Leona Lewis.

The Sheffield lad was speaking on the eve of his band’s UK tour which kicks off in Glasgow tonight (February 19) and took the time to get a few things off his chest.

He ranted to The Metro: “I’m not into all that new rave shit. It’s a con. I love rave music but new rave isn’t rave music; it’s like New Order b-sides from 1985.

“It’s rave music for people who hate raves, like Jurassic 5 is hip-hop for people who don’t like hip-hop.”

McClure blathered on: “I don’t like Leona Lewis as well. She’s nominated for four Brit Awards. Seriously, how can that happen? She’s so devoid of talent.

“She’s part of this endless stream who release really bad records. She can’t play anything, or write her own songs. What are you doing love? Stop.”

Anyway, Gigwise has been wondering whether McClure is mimicking Preston from The Ordinary Boys or a mid-Eighties Morrissey with his new look? It’s a toughie…

  • Idiot. Whitney, Celine Kylie never wrote their own songs are they not talented either. An actor isn’t less talented because they don’t write their own scripts and a singer is not less talented because they don’t write their songs. Leona brings something different to the songs that she sings. It’s not just about singing its about interpreting the song. Any way she does write her own material on the album.

    ~ by Chris Andre 2/19/2008

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  • Absolute moron, has no idea what hes on about, anyone with half a brain knows leona lewis has a massive amount of talent. Bad case of sour grapes because hes not up for a brit award, bitter much?

    ~ by leb 2/19/2008

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  • This guy is a complete fool. She’s got an absolutley amazing voice and that’s what people love her for. She doesn’t have the fastest selling debut album in UK history for nothing!! Plus, she does write her own material, she co-wrote a few songs on her album.

    ~ by LeeS 2/19/2008

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  • daft punk.. haha he dont know anything and for the record she does wright her own songs.. twat.. i mean id rather listen her music than your daft shit haha inabit..

    ~ by leedsboi255 2/19/2008

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  • hmmm.... jurassic 5 are hip hop for people who don’t like hip hop? that makes little sense as most who are into hip hop will be into jurassic 5.... the boy needs a trim

    ~ by susan 2/19/2008

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