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UB40 Bring Ali Campbell Era To An End In Uganda

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February 26, 2008 by Jason Gregory | Photo by WENN
UB40 Bring Ali Campbell Era To An End In Uganda

Ali Campbell played his last concert as the frontman of UB40 in Uganda on Saturday night (February 23rd).

The concert, which took place at the Lugogo Cricket Oval, was witnessed by 30,000 fans.

It initially emerged that Campbell would be leaving in the band in a statement issued to the BBC in January.

In it the band claimed that Campbell was leaving the group in order to pursue his solo career.

However, Campbell issued an open letter on his website condemning the explanation, adding that his departure was due to “intolerable management difficulties”.

UB40 have vowed to continue despite Campbell’s departure and are scheduled to begin touring again in May.

  • Reading that headline I thought Ali Campbell was the president of Uganda for a minute.

    ~ by the yak 2/26/2008 Report

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  • @jaykogami 3,100 ポスト目の発言は多分「 2009: The Year Dubstep Went Mainstream (@Gigwise) #dubstep 」でした。
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  • 2009: The Year Dubstep Went Mainstream (@Gigwise) #dubstep
    jaykogami on Fri Dec 25 09:08:26 via web
  • Love Peace & Happiness! @gcfcjohn @steveramus @wired @wiredscience @_StandingStill_ @indiemusicfinds @Gigwise @strangeguys @chatterbirds :)
    Earthgirl42 on Fri Dec 25 00:18:18 via Brizzly
  • @Gigwise i will be back after xmas..
    clarecribs on Wed Dec 23 13:49:06 via web
  • @gigwise from those series of tweets, i seriously thought jack white had died.
    angrygeometry on Tue Dec 22 15:35:36 via web
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