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Sargasso Trio - 'Burnin Burnin Burnin' (Boy Scout) Released 03/03/08

so majestically formed youd think youd dreamt it...

Sargasso Trio - 'Burnin Burnin Burnin' (Boy Scout) Released 03/03/08
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Arriving on Boy Scout Recordings comes the Sargasso Trio. Originally part of Norwich’s very own 40 piece marching band (no, me neither), numbers were dramatically cut due to limited space during their Sunday afternoon sessions.

Claiming influences from Kings of Convenience to Bob Dylan’s ex Joan Baez, Peter Murdoch, Ben Winn and Emily Siddall all take a turn on songwriting duties and prove a bigger contrast than Kylie and Kerry Katona. Murdoch is dark. He intertwines country pubs with city dwellings and all the mythical creatures in between. Where Winn is uncompromisingly fragile, Siddall’s voices soars majestically. On ‘Heels On Fire’ she slurs as if a pissed cowgirl sipping whisky on a dusty trail.

In contrast, ‘The Drum’ possesses a looping 80s synth that wouldn’t be out of place on a Nintendo with Murdoch and Siddall juxtaposing in such a way ‘Los Campesinos!’ could only dream. On  ‘Get Workin’ On Me’, Siddall and Murdoch acapella for some two minutes in the most moving love song since Karen O’s poured her heart out on ‘Maps.’ As the lonely voice becomes samban percussion and back again it is hard to imagine anything more beautiful.

Every now and again something comes along out the blue and you’re left thinking, where the fuck did that come from? ‘Burnin, Burnin, Burnin.’ is this year’s Tamagotchi. 2008’s Didier Drogba. This year’s fucking cheesestrings. You get the picture. Thirteen tracks, all different. Yet, so majestically formed you’d think you’d dreamt it. 

‘I just want your undivided attention’ wails Siddall. You’ve got it.

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