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Muse May Never Release Another Album

Band consider fresh ways to distribute their music...

Muse May Never Release Another Album
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  • Muse have revealed that they may never release another album, instead opting to put out a series of songs every few months.

    The comments mean that ‘Black Holes & Revelations’ could be their swansong album as they look to new ways to distribute their music.

    Frontman Matthew Bellamy said: "I like the idea of releasing a series of songs, every month or every couple of months - just putting songs out there.

    "Almost like making the single a more prominent format and then every few years doing a 'best of' from that period and that would be the album.

    “So in other words, throw out songs every couple of months and see how people like them, and whichever ones people like, stick that on a record of 11 tracks."

    However, in the interview with the NME, Bellamy admitted that control of the decision still lands with their label: “We're under a traditional contract at the moment with Warners, so it's whether they're susceptible to doing things differently.”

    If Muse were given the green light to axe the album format, they would follow in the footsteps of Ash who have also promised not to release another traditional-style record.

    Muse’s plans are in stark contrast to the views of Elbow’s Guy Garvey who told Gigwise last week that the album format should be protected.

    Garvey said that iTunes and other download stores should allow artists to lock their albums so fans can’t just download single songs.

    • MUSE needs to keep albums because if they don’t and I like one of the songs that is not going to be on the Greatest Hits CD at the end of the year, then how am I supposed to get it?

      ~ by Rachel 4/4/2008

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    • Rachel is right, i didnt think about that, i love muse and i really would like to hear more of their music and have another album.=]

      ~ by Malli 7/11/2008

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    • I dunno if they are still planning on doing it, but they have news out saying that they are gonna start working on their 5th album next year. It's supposed to have more of an Electronic feel to it

      ~ by Josh 11/27/2008

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