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New Adventures - 'How I Got My Devil Back (Part I)'

New Adventures - 'How I Got My Devil Back (Part I)'
starstarno starno starno star

As a rule, seeing a song divided into parts is often a warning sign that something pretentious lurks ahead. This rule is once again reaffirmed by New Adventures. ‘How I got my Devil Back’…oh sorry, ‘Part I’…is Athlete-meets-Keane, studio polished, safe soft-rock. And though every moral fibre in my body wants to hate this, the wining vocals and billowing piano part are as infectious as cholera. And as you know this will soon be on the latest teen-super hit TV show, throw down your defences now and prepare roll on the floor in a combination of lush wonder and hideous self-loathing.

Released 31/03/08 on Faded Grandeur.

  • Clearly you have a very bad taste in music or are completely tonedeaf. This song is absolutely amazing as are the New Adventures. If anyone is pretentious it’s YOU.

    ~ by Kez 8/13/2008

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  • yeah, i agree with that kez person. they're all lovely blokes plus helena ad they just want to make beautiful music which they've been doing since they formed originally as Fans Of Kate. i think everyone should love them =]

    ~ by sev 4 days 9 hours ago

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