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CSS Bassist Quits Band

Environmental concerns a factor...

CSS Bassist Quits Band
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  • CSS’ bassist Ira Trevisan has quit the band for “personal reasons”.

    Ira has revealed her passion for fashion and concern for the detrimental effects air travel has on the environment were key factors in her decision to quit the band, who have spent much of the last two years on tour.

    She says in a statement, “I decided to move forward and dedicate more of my time to fashion and other projects. Just a big change of priorities, as I will never stop playing music.

    “I am also a bit worried about climate change. People should care more and do something about it. I decided to fly less.

    “CSS will always be in my heart. They said goodbye to their bass player, but they won a new life time fan. In health and sickness, in happiness and so forth. Blah blah blah, so help us God.”

    Lone CSS male Adriano will now play bass, whilst a session musician friend of the band will take over his drumming duties for live performances.

    The follow up to the Brazilian electro-rockers' well received debut is due for release in July, with a UK tour coming up in May.

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