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Get Rich, Get Famous, Get Laid - Simple Plan

Atlantic HQ is mighty comforting this strangely sunny day when we visit to interview Simple Plan. They have a short break in their busy touring schedule. Today, we gets to speak to the boys you all seem to idolise, if the response to the Gigwise Webchat last week is anything to go by.

I’m sat in the cosy interview room, when Pierre from the band comes in to say hi.  “I won’t touch you ‘cause I’m ill,” he says. He sits down in the corner and opens the latest issue of Zoo magazine. “I love the magazines here,” he says earnestly “We don’t get magazines like this where we’re from, except maybe for porn. It’s great!” I mutter something sarcastic in retort; he doesn’t bat an eyelid, as is lost within the not so glossy pages, which has a fair few pairs of naked breasts embossed on them. David and Jeff join us in the room. David is also ill. But Jeff’s not – so I get a nice handshake from him. David also likes the English magazines. He tells us, “I just spent a bunch of ‘quids’ on them!”

We’ve had an abundance of questions from fans here at Gigwise towers. Many fans even gushing adoration at these tasty morsels of manliness. We decide to arm ourselves with some ‘fan orientated’ questions, since you all seem so keen to find out the intimate details of their lives. We confide in the band that quite a lot of lady folk seem a wee bit interested in their relationship statuses. We ask what the ‘official line’ is on this. David hits the nail on the head, “It’s none of their fucking business!” Pierre is a bit more forgiving, telling us he doesn’t like to disclose his relationship status as to “keep my options open you know?” I ask him if this is in case he sees any Zoo girls walking down the street. To which he responds, “Exactly!” David continues, “Some of us are in relationships that are good, some of us are in relationships that are not so good, and some of us are not in relationships.” Pierre tells us to “Come to a show and find out! And whip ‘em out!” Slightly perplexed as to whether that is aimed at this teeny, geeky music writer, or the greater Gigwise female audience as a whole, I politely tell them even though I will be at the show tomorrow, I won’t be getting ‘them’ out (as lovely as that sounds- not)! David apologies, “We’re just excited cause last night this girl kept flashing us. It was kind of cool.” Yeah, we could be talking to two boobs really!

We progress onto the subject of tattoos and how the band feels about younger fans getting their bodies permanently emblazoned with the band’s logo. Jeff says, “I do have to say something about it. You need to understand that a tattoo is for life. Getting a tattoo of your favourite band is awesome but you need to pick them wisely, and specifically where you are going to have them.” Pierre confides that he has a tattoo of his favourite band. The letters SP are tattooed on his leg. The band speculates what this favourite band might be: Smashing Pumpkins, Sean Paul, Silversun Pickups? It’s pretty likely that Pierre’s favourite band is his own.

As well as being really famous and, in Pierre’s case, having future.phpirations to make an ex-wife out of a Zoo girl, they do actually do some good things. As a marked example of this, the band have a ‘Simple Plan Foundation’ which, Pierre explains, gives money to charities involved with dealing with youth problems. He says, “We really wanted to give something back to support causes that we care about. We just feel the need to do something good because we feel we’re really lucky for what we have”. They have also been supporting indie record stores in the States. Pierre admits that “I think it’s important to support the little guy because that’s the only way you are ever going to be able to start your own company, and all not be owned by the same person”.

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  • this is the worst interview i have read in my entire life, ok maybe not all our questions were good but there were some good and if you were not going to use them, maybe you could have used your brain to make good questions now that you had the time to interview them, this shit (interview as you like to call it) just sucks, i could have done it much better. a week of waiting to read the worst piece of writing of the world, even if the interviewers dont like simple plan make your work worth it.

    ~ by alma 4/23/2008

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  • Are they really touring again in the uk? Omg please let it be true! I missed their recent tour because I didn’t have the internet and didn’t know when they were touring and I can’t go to download (way too expensive) so I really hope they come bk. Also, the interview isn’t that bad Alma. I just can’t wait for the fan questions to come up lolz

    ~ by Simple Plan Girl | Send Message | 4/23/2008

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  • Simple Plan Girl - yes they really are touring in December. they said so at their show at the Astoria. They have also been confirmed for Download Festival. They like the UK so are very excited about the tour. Alma- thanks for your comments. The reason why I did this feature the way it is, is because Simple Plan are a band with a very strong fan base and I wanted to talk to them about their fans. The fans questions are going to be put to the band separately tho. You can’t please everyone

    ~ by LuisaMateus | Send Message | 4/24/2008

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  • oh ok sorry then

    ~ by alma 4/24/2008

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  • Did any of those questions that people wrote in get asked to SP at all?. XxX

    ~ by Kimmers 4/25/2008

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