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Black Lips: 'Jay-Z Ruined Hip-Hop In America'

They slate Green Day singer as well...

Black Lips have attacked Jay-Z, saying that the US rapper “ruined rap music” in North-East America.

Speaking to Gigwise, the band’s drummer Joe Bradley said: “I’m a little bias because I love Southern rap and there’s tons of great hip hop out of the north east and I really think they should have stuck to hip hop.”

“They get a little too conscious,” he added. “I like my rap music dumb and simple.”

Jay-Z has received widespread criticism over recent months after it was revealed he would be headlining this years Glastonbury Festival alongside The Verve and Kings of Leon.

In a controversial interview, Black Lips also voiced their distain with Billie Joel Armstrong, calling the Green Day frontman a “douche-bag” because of his political beliefs.

“What really turned me off was all these bands who think they are so profound for saying ‘oh we hate George Bush’ – that’s such a cliché,” explained the band’s bassist Jared Swilley.

“It’s more punk rock to say you like George Bush," replied Bradley .

Stay tuned for the full interview with Black Lips coming shortly on Gigwise.

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  • Who the hell ARE these assholes? It’s pretty punk or rap, whatever they are, to pose in a field of daisies. I think they’re the douche bags here!

    ~ by LittleMiss 5/6/2008

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  • black lips is a douche bag himself people like him everywhere is messing our world

    ~ by 5/6/2008

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  • bLAckkk LiPS aRE the REAL dEAL hOlyfIeLd...tHey BE sPeaKin TRuTH TO poWer....aLL U sucka AZZ Homeys dONt knoW shIZZit..JZ IZ a waCK mOfo....aNd GReeN daY iz sUm beeeeyOtcheS.....LoNG liVE fLOwERS n GeORge W BUSh................

    ~ by jessejamess 5/6/2008

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  • black lips are one of the most exciting revisionist bands around. their shows are always riots. drummer only hates jay z because he’s biased towards southern rap. big deal. and im glad he hates billy joe and green day because it is more punk rock to like W. because that definitely goes against the grain. green day is the worst thing to happen to political rock in the last 30 years.

    ~ by timmytimtimtim 5/6/2008

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  • I’m sorry I would agree with him,but I can’t shove my head that far up my ass!

    ~ by Liz 5/6/2008

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  • @Gigwise must be something like that. Was that too much of a sensible answer though?!
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