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Meatloaf: 'I Can Never Stop Performing'

Just when you thought he'd gone...

Meatloaf: 'I Can Never Stop Performing'

Having announced at Newcastle’s Metro Radio Arena last year that the performance would likely be his last ever, Meatloaf has reportedly now announced that he can never quit performing.

He is also believed to be planning on heading out on an 18 date tour, reports The Guardian.

The singer said that even though performing can sometimes leave him feeling despondent, he couldn’t imagine never playing live again.

He said: “It's like the old joke about the guy in the circus, right? He always wanted to be in showbusiness so finally he got in the circus, and his job was walking behind the elephants cleaning up after them.

“He kept complaining and somebody finally said, 'Just stop, you don't need to keep doing this,' and he said, 'What? And give up showbusiness?'

“What am I gonna do, run a hotdog stand? Be a real estate agent? I don't know anything else.”

Meatloaf was nearly forced into a long hiatus when he was diagnosed with a cyst on his vocal chords. Thankfully it burst and he was able to avoid surgery.

He added: “The doctor said it looked better than it did 20 years ago. I said, 'How do you know? You've got pictures from 20 years ago?'

“I'm still really nervous. I'm going to my vocal coach and we're gonna hit it a lot harder. I should've gone before but I was just lazy - well, I was probably scared.”

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