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Morrissey Called For 'Meat Ban' At Wireless Festival

But the Rascals ruined it...

Morrissey is reported to have called for a ban on all meat in the backstage area at last weekend's Wireless Festival in London.

The singer, who headlined the second day of the festival, is also said to have displayed 'Meat is Murder' posters in the VIP area.

But Morrissey's efforts to stop the consumption of meat failed when The Rascals chose to deface one of his posters, according to teletext.

“The Rascals lived up to their name and defaced the poster nearest Moz's enclosure so it read, 'Meat is boss', and drew a load of burgers on it,” a source said.

As previously reported on Gigwise, Morrissey also spoke out against meat eaters during his performance, saying he could smell the scent of burgers drifting across the stage.

You can see pictures from Morrissey's headlining set in Hyde Park below...

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  • The Rascals, latest in the line of terrible indie bands, should\'ve been honoured to even be invited to play on the same bill as Morrissey. I can\'t see why a meat ban in the VIP area is an issue for them? All the food there is free, and if they wanted a burger, etc, they could\'ve easily left the constraints of their dressing room, qued up for five minutes, and bought themselves a burger or two from their no doubt hefty advances.

    ~ by PB 7/10/2008

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  • For every burger Morrissey doesn’t eat I’’ll eat two :) Just another example of some pompous ass pushing his beliefs onto others. if it was a request from the church or government everyone would have this opinion.

    ~ by Carnivore 7/10/2008

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  • It\'s a bit of a stretch to say drawings of burgers stopped Mozzas ban surely? But the Rascals acted like cocks so plenty meat there.

    ~ by murun 7/10/2008

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  • good for Mozza! shame on you rascals

    ~ by ronn 7/10/2008

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  • Who are the Rascals? do they sell burgers?

    ~ by moi 7/10/2008

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