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Metallica, Madonna and Led Zeppelin May Be Removed From Youtube

Warner Music want shared royalties...

Acts including Metallica, Madonna and Led Zeppelin may all have their music videos pulled from YouTube following a money row between their record label and the internet site.

Warner Music have decided to remove their artists' promos after they failed to renegotiate a deal with the site's owners over shared royalties.

Music executives will also remove all amateur clips that feature artists on their roster and any copyrighted songs.

A statement from Warner Music reads, "We simply cannot accept terms that fail to appropriately and fairly compensate recording artists, songwriters, labels and publishers for the value they provide."

Metallica at the O2 Arena:

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Are Warner Music doing the right thing?

  1. Yes, it's acceptable
  2. No, it will hit music lovers hard
  • cos they aint rich enough???

    ~ by ben 12/22/2008

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  • Does You Tube really hurt these people? If any thing, seeing artists on You Tube increases the chances of my supporting them.

    ~ by Brian 12/22/2008

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  • I agree, these music execs are completly stupid.

    ~ by MP3 Me 12/23/2008

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  • you hit it on the head, its the record LABELS not the artists that are crying for more money. Because at the end of the day, that's what it is all about.

    ~ by Skid Plate 12/23/2008

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  • Doesn't anybody realize that desperate times call for desperate measures? From a legal standpoint, they copyrighted their music and therefore deserve any profits generated by the use of their material for any purpose. Y-tube makes millions in revenue from advertising, i.e. I'm exposed to advertising because I wanted to see a video, Y-tube is paid to host the ads on their site, therefore Y-tube should pay Metallica for allowing their music to be posted, which in turn gets them paid.

    ~ by Tommy Liberto 12/23/2008

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  • @TheGrottoTweets @isyng4u @Gigwise @platinumcash @MrTimm @Beeyezzy @Sweetprangel @odloak Michael Jackson Had A Lover!
    HitDanBack on Fri Jul 03 15:13:46 via web
  • @Gigwise Yep, looking better already.
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  • @LoneStarTimes @Thalesandre @akash_dongre @Gigwise @MEGA94 @danilomatos @Gravity101 Michael Jackson Had A Lover!
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  • @Gigwise Saw KW in Bucharest last month and Blur in HP last night... Loved both but no contest... Blur rule!
    SparkesMichael on Fri Jul 03 12:57:09 via web
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