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U2 Replace Taylor Swift At Top Of US Album Chart

With 'No Line On The Horizon'...

U2 Replace Taylor Swift At Top Of US Album Chart
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  • U2 have gone straight in at number one on the US Billboard album chart with 'No Line On The Horizon'.

    The band, who are currently on top of the UK chart, replaced Taylor Swift, who fell to number two with 'Fearless'.

    U2's latest album sold 484,000 copies in its opening week, according to chart regulator Nielsen Soundscan.

    The band now have the second-most number ones in US chart history with seven. Only The Beatles have more with nineteen.

    Elsewhere on this week's chart, Neko Case was a new entry at number three with 'Middle Cyclone', while Lady GaGa's 'The Fame' climbed to number four.

    The top-five was completed at number five by Nickelback's 'Dark Horse', which was a non-mover.

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