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Madonna Adoption Bid Turned Down

The singer cannot adopt Malawian girl due to residency rules...

Madonna has had her application to adopt a Malawian girl turned down.

The singer, who has already adopted David Banda from the country, was due in court today today to hear whether she could adopt four-year-old Chifundo (Mercy) James.

Madonna has been turned down over residency rules, with judge Esmie Chondo stating: "I must have to decline to grant the application to Madonna."

The Associated Press reports that the law in the country states adoptive parents must be resident in the country for 18 to 24 months.

A judge and a lawyer unconnected to the case are thought to have leaked the decision to the press.

  • I don't understand why the first adoption went ahead despite these residency rules?

    ~ by Selina 4/3/2009

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  • Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha about the adoption rejection, and ditto about her divorce from Guy. She's a wreck and should just grow OLD gracefully, if that's possible.

    ~ by Gordon 4/3/2009

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    • ok @gigwise, who are you? checked your twitter and no mention of Download fest, yet updates on 50cent! You fuck off now, nothing to see here
      davidewood on Sat Jun 13 01:06:28 via web
    • @Gigwise is your site down or is it just me?
      EmployThisMan on Fri Jun 12 19:24:54 via web
    • RT @Gigwise: New Order And Blur Stars Form New Band: They release debut album in October...
      musicOMH on Fri Jun 12 17:19:15 via twhirl
    • This will suck. RT @Gigwise New Order And Blur Stars Form New Band: They release debut album in October...
      JohnDC on Fri Jun 12 17:19:05 via web
    • @Gigwise Yeah. who cares. beer and women.
      DuLaLoveday on Fri Jun 12 15:59:37 via web
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