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Apple Reject Nine Inch Nails iPhone App

Because of 'objectionable content'...

A new application for the Aplle iPhone created by Nine Inch Nails main man Trent Reznor has been rejected because of “objectionable content”.

The app allowed users to access exclusive NiN material and the band's back catalogue but fell foul of Apple's iPhone SDK Agreement, section 3.3.12, according to correspondence from the computer giant.

Announcing the new via his Twitter account, Reznor said:  "Apple rejects the NIN iPhone update because it contains objectionable content. The objectionable content referenced is 'The Downward Spiral'."

In an email response to the rejection, Reznor went on to say: “What do you want us to change to get past your stupid fucking standards? And while we're at it, I'll voice the same issue I had with Wal-Mart years ago, which is a matter of consistency and hypocrisy.

Wal-Mart went on a rampage years ago insisting all music they carry be censored of all profanity and "clean" versions be made for them to carry.

Bands (including Nirvana) tripped over themselves editing out words, changing album art, etc to meet Wal-Mart's standards of decency - because Wal-Mart sells a lot of records. NIN refused, and you'll notice a pretty empty NIN section at any Wal-Mart.

My reasoning was this: I can understand if you want the moral posturing of not having any "indecent" material for sale - but you could literally turn around 180 degrees from where the NIN record would be and purchase the film ”Scarface" completely uncensored, or buy a copy of Grand Theft Auto where you can be rewarded for beating up prostitutes. How does that make sense?”

“You can buy The Downward Fucking Spiral on iTunes, but you can't allow an iPhone app that may have a song with a bad word somewhere in it. … Come on Apple, think your policies through and for fuck's sake get your app approval scenario together.”

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  • @Gigwise My editor follows me so got to be careful! Agencies are about how good they are at selling not just %. But I'm not unhappy.
    benyacobi on Mon May 11 09:42:01 via web
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