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Rihanna Due To Appear In Court For Chris Brown Case

In Los Angeles...

Rihanna Due To Appear In Court For Chris Brown Case Add to My Fav Bands List

Rihanna is due to appear in court in Los Angeles later in the assault case of her former boyfriend Chris Brown.

The 21-year-old singer is expected to testify as a witness against Brown, who is accused of assaulting her during an altercation in February.

Brown has pleaded not guilty to charges of assault and making criminal threats. He faces five years if found guilty.

Rihanna was subpoenaed to appear in court earlier this month, but it is not guaranteed that prosecutors will use her as a witness.

However, the singer's lawyer told the New York Daily News that he “fully” expected Rihanna to be asked to testify.

He added: "She will testify truthfully.”

Brown has been accused of hitting Rihanna during the row outside a parked car in Los Angeles in February.

The incident forced both stars to miss the Grammy Awards.

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  • @Gigwise Cool - just thought I'd mention in case you missed it ;)
    hereinthehive on Fri Jun 26 22:08:55 via Tweetie
  • @Gigwise Just tried one of those links - you might want to check your database 'Error: Connection to MySQL server failed.'
    hereinthehive on Fri Jun 26 21:43:50 via Tweetie
  • @Gigwise and now GaGa. torture
    mattymusic78 on Fri Jun 26 19:50:31 via web
  • @Gigwise feel a bit sorry for her. no one could live up to that kind of hype. she really doesn't. #glasto
    mattymusic78 on Fri Jun 26 19:24:45 via web
  • @Gigwise She's coping better than Lallen
    alncl on Fri Jun 26 19:24:08 via TweetDeck
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