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My Bloody Valentine to give fans free earplugs

Band urge fans to protect their hearing.

Notoriously noisy live band My Bloody Valentine are to offer gig goers free ear plugs ahead of their shows.

The ear splitting band have teamed up with to provide the disposable 'Moldex Yellow' range of plugs, which fans can pick up on their way into the band's shows.

My Bloody Valentine's shows are known to be so loud that lead singer Kevin Shields suffers from tinnitus whilst guitarist Belinda Butcher once perforated her eardrum.

Earplugshop's spokesman Shaun Thorborough stated how important it is for bands to highlight the dangers that loud music can have on fans' ears. Just 15 minutes exposure to loud music can cause irrepearable damage.

"I am very pleased to have struck a deal with such an ear-splittingly loud band as My Bloody Valentine, and respect to them for taking ear damage so seriously. By handing out these disposable earplugs at their gigs, the band is highlighting how important it is to protect ears from damage which, once set in, is irreversible," reports

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