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Ian Brown: 'Liam And Noel Should Go Solo'

Former Stone Roses man says it's the best way...

September 14, 2009 by David Renshaw
Ian Brown: 'Liam And Noel Should Go Solo' Add to My Fav Bands List Add to My Fav Bands List

Ian Brown has urged Liam and Noel Gallagher to pursue solo careers following the demise of Oasis.

Speaking from experience Brown said that going solo is "a fine way to be" and that he "heartily recommends it".

Brown also lamented Oasis' downfall during an interview with the Press Association.

He said: "What's a shame is that they're brothers. From being 10 and six scrapping on the carpet in the front room, now they are doing it in public and worldwide - I think that's a bit of a shame for them."

Oasis - The Final UK Tour

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  • @jaykogami 3,100 ポスト目の発言は多分「 2009: The Year Dubstep Went Mainstream (@Gigwise) #dubstep 」でした。
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  • 2009: The Year Dubstep Went Mainstream (@Gigwise) #dubstep
    jaykogami on Fri Dec 25 09:08:26 via web
  • Love Peace & Happiness! @gcfcjohn @steveramus @wired @wiredscience @_StandingStill_ @indiemusicfinds @Gigwise @strangeguys @chatterbirds :)
    Earthgirl42 on Fri Dec 25 00:18:18 via Brizzly
  • @Gigwise i will be back after xmas..
    clarecribs on Wed Dec 23 13:49:06 via web
  • @gigwise from those series of tweets, i seriously thought jack white had died.
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