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Radiohead's Thom Yorke Slams UK Government's Nuclear Power Go-Ahead

He criticises Labour's decision...

  • by Scott Colothan
  • Tuesday, November 10, 2009
  • Photo by:
  • filed in: Indie
Radiohead's Thom Yorke Slams UK Government's Nuclear Power Go-Ahead Add to My Fav Bands List

Thom Yorke has hit out at the UK government's decision to approve 10 sites in England and Wales for nuclear power stations to be built.

Yesterday, Energy Secretary Ed Milliband claimed that nuclear energy was a “proven and reliable” energy source and that planning permission on the 10 sites would be decided “within the year”.

Writing on Radiohead's Dead Air Space, Thom Yorke posted an almost poetic response to Labour's controversial decision under the title 'nuclear power no thanks'.

He wrote:

under pressure from the CBI
and under the confused assumption that we can carry on consuming power as we do now into the future
and too afraid to think out of their own isolated political fuzzy cloud
the british government is commiting to build a new round of nuclear power stations
for which we dont have the money.
just perfect.
well done fellas.
you've really thought about this haven't you?

Beneath the text, Thom has also posted a link to the Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth websites.

  • Thom and his eternal rants... that's a good thing, means he will be angry, what leads to great fu cking songs! =D

    ~ by AlexNin 11/10/2009

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  • As an engineer in the energy industry for the last 25 years - tell you what, Thom. I won't advise you on music, if you don't try to advise me on power generation technologies....

    ~ by Andy 11/10/2009

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  • Thom has the right to say whatever he wants, it is his opinion, on his blog. Duh! And he always was against anything nuclear, he was a kid and his first song was about the atomic bomb. He is very vocal about it.

    ~ by Sarah 11/10/2009

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  • Big news!!!a burnt out hipster who probably failed high school physics is against nuclear power. When did he decide this? I wonder if it was after first or second toke from his bong. Anyone who gives any creditability to what Thom says about the complex issue of energy is probably on their forth hit of the chronic. If you want to know about nuclear power go to this site and watch the “intro video.” Let’s save this planet. 500 new nuke plants for the world

    ~ by Anon 11/10/2009

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  • Maybe Radiohead is looking to sell more albums when they perform at the next planet killing anti-nuclear power music event. I can see it now Thom burning one down backstage with Bonnie Raitt and Jackson Browne having intellectual discussion on how they can save the planet if only someone would take them seriously. LOL Viva the Nuclear Renaissance, Jfarmer9

    ~ by jfarmer9 11/10/2009

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