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Radiohead To Resume Recording New Album In January

Ed O'Brien reveals...

December 21, 2009 by Jason Gregory | Photo by
Radiohead To Resume Recording New Album In January Add to My Fav Bands List

Radiohead guitarist Ed O'Brien says the band plan to resume work on their new album in January.

In a message on the group's website, O'Brien said he was “genuinely excited” about completing the work they started in the summer.

But he added: “For obvious reasons I can’t divulge anything more.. anyway we all love surprises don’t we?”

At present, it's not clear when the follow-up to 2007's 'In Rainbows' is due to be released.

However, O'Brien admitted that the band had come along way in the last ten years since the release of their fourth album, 'Kid A', in 2000.

“Ten years ago we were all collectively (that’s the band) in the land of 'Kid A' .. and although hugely proud of that record, it wasn’t a fun place to be,” he wrote.

“What’s reassuring now, is that we are most definitely a different band, which should therefore mean that the music is different too and that is the aim of the game….keep it moving.”

As Gigwise reported on Friday singer Thom Yorke made a surprise appearance at the UN Climate Change summit in Copenhagen last week.

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