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Lil' Wayne: 'I'm Looking Forward To Jail'

He speaks about upcoming prison sentence...

February 04, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by Splash News
Lil' Wayne: 'I'm Looking Forward To Jail' Add to My Fav Bands List

Lil' Wayne has revealed he's “looking forward” to beginning his prison sentence for gun possession.

The rapper is expected to be given a one year jail term when he is sentenced later this month in New York.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Lil' Wayne appeared to have adopted a relaxed approach towards the prospect of prison.

"This is not something you get no advice on. This is Lil Wayne going to jail,” he said.

“Nobody I can talk to can tell me what that's like. I just say I'm looking forward to it.

The rapper added: "I look at things as 'Everything is meant to be'. I know it's an experience that I need to have if God's putting me through it.

“So I don't look at it as wrong, I just ... I damn sure don't look at it as right, that's all."

Lil' Wayne also revealed that he had stopped taking syrup - a combination of Promethazine and Codeine which is normally used to treat severe colds.

"I haven't f***ed with that in a long time," he admitted.

The rapper's long-awaited rap-rock album, 'Rebirth', was released earlier this month.

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