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Liam Gallagher: 'Oasis Split Has Galvanised Manchester City'

Team's fortunes have come good...

March 01, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by Shirlaine Forrest
Liam Gallagher: 'Oasis Split Has Galvanised Manchester City' Add to My Fav Bands List
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Liam Gallagher has claimed that Oasis' split has had a positive impact on the form of his football club, Manchester City.

The Premier League team have enjoyed a change in fortunes in recent months, and currently sit fifth in the league.

Life-long Manchester City fan Gallagher said the team's success had made Oasis' split last year easier to deal with.

"When Oasis were doing well, City were doing shit, “ Gallagher told the Daily Mirror.

“But now we've split, City are doing good. Maybe there's some good times ahead with City, and that'll take the pain of the band splitting off a bit."

Gallagher is currently recording his first album with his new band, which have yet to be given a name.

Meanwhile, his brother, Noel, is set to play two solo gigs at London's Royal Albert Hall this month on behalf of the Teenage Cancer Trust.

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  • Oasis or Man City? Clearly Man City because it has an Oasis band member as one of their most loyal and dedicated fans, and maybe Liam this is the sign of what was lacking in your once was band, 'dedication and loyalty'.

    ~ by Sholton Brenna 3/1/2010 Report

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  • Post 'What's the Story', Oasis also lacked talent

    ~ by Beam Me Up 3/1/2010 Report

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  • yes liam, because the world revolves around you.

    ~ by neil_hill_1 3/1/2010 Report

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  • yep, it's all down to you Liam. Well done! Idiot...

    ~ by Jim 3/1/2010 Report

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  • No, it was all about Subversive leaving Gigwise, that's what did it. Man City fans started actually turning up to games.

    ~ by Aaron B X 3/2/2010 Report

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  • @mcwandsaw @gigwise I love Camper Van too, I co-wrote it.
    Adventurebaby on Fri Mar 12 21:41:22 via Tweetie
  • @Gigwise keane dont know owt mate
    cherisecourters on Fri Mar 12 17:58:22 via Echofon
  • @Gigwise keana dont know owt mate
    cherisecourters on Fri Mar 12 17:58:19 via Echofon
  • #ff - the last few tweeple i tweeted with (ooh i say ;) ) ... @newmusicdave @bignoiseaudiouk @marieboon @gigwise @officialRandL @MENnewsdesk
    dinkydancer on Fri Mar 12 16:38:43 via web
  • @Gigwise knowing Ed Mac somewhat, I think he meant 'richer' (as in layered) not 'thicker'. at least I hope that's what he meant!
    theprintedword on Fri Mar 12 16:07:54 via web
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