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Hadouken! Write Pro-Labour Party Song For Newsnight Musical

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Hadouken! Write Pro-Labour Party Song For Newsnight Musical


Hadouken! have recorded a pro-Labour party song for the BBC’s Newsnight programme.

The news show is currently searching for three ‘anthems’ ahead of next month’s General Election.

Hadouken’s song, ‘Things Would Only Get Worse’, was created following consultation with Culture Secretary and keen clubber Ben Bradshaw.

Singer James Smith said the track was “a subversion” of Labour’s infamous 1997 election anthem and “a dig at the seemingly impending Tory administration”

He added: “People are wrong to assume that young people are apathetic when it comes to politics - we have the same concerns as everyone else.”

A snippet of the song will appear on Newsnight tonight (April 21), along with an interview with the band.

On April 28, Hadouken’s song - along with tracks written for the Conservatives and Right Said Fred’s composition for the Lib Dems - will be played to voters to see if they can sway the public.

Hadouken! live

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