by Holly Frith | Photos by

Tags: The Beatles

The Greatest Rock Bands Of All Time - Vote Now

In our new poll...


The Greatest Rock Bands Of All Time - Vote Now


This week saw the annual Classic Rock Awards held at Camden's Roundhouse with music's biggest names coming together to celebrate arguably the most lasting genre of music.

Indeed, not only has the music of classic rock giants such as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd lasted the test of time, but some of these bands are still going! Just look at our news piece today on Rolling Stones going back into the recording studio to "jam" together.

Rock bands and artists have had a huge impact on all music lovers and so we thought we'd celebrate guitar-heavy, hairspray-even-heavier music with a look at 50 of the greatest classic rock bands of all-time.

From the likes of AC/DC, Oasis, Thin Lizzy, Aerosmith to Nirvana and The Beatles – vote for you favourite rock band of all time here!

Results will be released next week!!


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