by Edward Keeble

Tags: Jay James Picton

Jay James Picton - In Demand!

An exciting singer songwriter and filmmaker due for big things...


Jay James Picton - In Demand!


There is a lot to be said for an artist whose vision branches out from being defined within one particular medium, it's also said people are defined by the company they keep. Jay James Picton is a great example of such a person, one part singer songwriter, one part film-maker, he has been making waves both on our island of the United Kingdom and overseas in our bigger in every sense of the word cousin - America. Over there he has been collaborating with giants including The Roots and rock legend Booker T, needless to say if you needed a stamp of credibility stick that in your pipe.

Recently signed to Universal/Decca records Jay is another exciting prospect for the year, exhibiting a refreshing brand of "real music" embodied by a soulful blues influence combined with a modern sense of groove, but most importantly a basis firmly grounded in real life experience.

Heads Vs. Hearts is Jay's latest excursion into the world of film and music, dictating the emotions and experiences suffered through the living of a one-sided relationship. The four-part series is part of his ability to storyboard through an auditory medium whilst using superb visual aids to help the communication of the intrinsic message. Jay had this to say about his directorial/musical debut: "When you’re in a one-sided relationship, the emotions you feel are often clouded and mixed up with paranoia and a like attraction, even though you know you'd be better off without that person, the constant battle with them and your own mind to make it work often sets off other emotions. The feelings once lost of preferring all that shit over nothing at all ".

Working as a superb preview for his debut record 'Play It By Heart' due out early this year, it's clear Jay is genuine artist whose credibility extends from the streets all the way to the film studio.


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