Two rock DJs from Cleveland have caused (some) controversey after burning copies of hit book 50 Shades of Grey in a local restaurant.
DJs Chad Zumock and Alan Cox, decided to stage the burning after a number of their listeners called in to complain about the attention the best seller has been receiving so far in 2012.
Speaking to the Daily News, Cox said: “We kinda figured it would just be dudes. But then all kinds of people showed up, a woman even showed up with her teenage son.”
Cox admitted that he was expecting more protestors than the stunt got, putting that down to an awareness of the joke.
“This isn't censorship, it's completely voluntary,” he stated. “We weren’t criticizing it from any literary standpoint because that’s not why anyone’s reading it.”
The 50 Shades Of Grey trilogy has become a literary sensation in 2012. Written by author E L James, the erotic fiction has been branded 'mummy porn' and sold around 20 million copies across the world.