by Catherine Elliott | Photos by Idil Sukan

Tags: JLS

JLS reveal 'Hottest Girl In The World' video - watch

The boyband show a more mature side on new single


JLS reveal 'Hottest Girl In The World' video - watch

Photo: Idil Sukan

The JLS boys are back with their new video for upcoming lead single ‘Hottest Girl In The World’, released October 21st and taken from the upcoming album ‘Evolution’.

The V-necks are gone and in their place we are treated to a ‘more mature’ and sleeker version of the teen-favourite's. From boys to men, the message of this video is very clear – a change in both sound and style.

The video sees Aston, Marvin, Ortise and JB dancing with some girls whilst singing earnestly into the camera. In this particularly unimaginative video which at times verges on the creepy, (way too much eye contact twinned with a scarily high vocal range from Aston) the boys are determined to show us their more sincere and grown- up side.

Watch the video below:


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