by David Renshaw | Photos by

Tags: Jessie J

Jessie J 'embracing sexuality' with new, feminine look

'Domino' singer calls old look 'scary, spiky, cartoony'


Jessie J 'embracing sexuality' with new, feminine look


Jessie J has explained the recent change in her image, explaining that she found her former style 'scary'.

Fans have seen Jessie alter her look in recent months, hiring a new stylst and ditching her eye catching former image in favour of a softer, more grown up look. Speaking to Elle about her reasons for changing, the 'Domino' star revealed she only dressed that way so people would remember her.

'That really scary, spiky, cartoony kind of thing, that was me two or three years ago.,' she told the magazine.
Adding: 'Now, I'm definitely more embracing of myself as a woman and my sexuality and just being a bit more feminine.
'I've always wanted to look like this, but it didn't grab people's attention. And in the beginning you've always got to do something that's going to make people go, "Who's that?"

Meanwhile, it was revealed last week that Jessie convinced the BBC to change their filming schedule for The Voice so she can take part whilst also embarking on a UK arena tour.

Below: the many faces of Jessie J - and all of them odd



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