Photo: Linda Brownlee
This summer’s Olympic Closing Ceremony gig in Hyde Park seemed like the perfect way for Blur to bow out (for a while anyway). However, with two announcements either side of last weekend confirming European festival performances – what are the band doing?!
Back in 2009 after their two dates in Hyde Park, the band took a backseat for three years and made a triumphant return this summer with a string of shows that many thought would be the band's last. With bassist Alex James previously saying he was unsure "if it will ever happen again" and Damon Albarn saying of their Olympics Closing Ceremony gig “I hope that's the truth: that that's how we end it” it looked like this would be the case.
However, an apparent change of heart from Albarn when speaking in August saw him explain “Hyde Park is definitely our last gig in this country this year and probably for a long time. But that doesn't mean it's the end of Blur.”
It certainly was not the end for Blur as the band has now announced festival appearances in Belgium, Spain and Portugal next year. A statement on Blur’s official Facebook page read “We're excited…hope to travel in 2013 to play to more of our lovely fans who we haven't seen for a while. Don't know where yet, we'll tell as soon as we do..Stand by..”
With Albarn taking his Africa Express project on tour and speaking about his desire to write a musical and Graham Coxon touring his solo record, mixed messages from the band means that no one really knows what is going on.
With two big show announcements is the band just doing this for cash? Are they serious about being a band again? If so does that mean new music? By not clarifying their position, are Blur going to be one of those bands who tarnish their reputation by not knowing when to take a break. I am not suggesting for one moment that they are not good enough anymore, despite the sound problems for many at their Olympics Closing Ceremony gig they were still on top form. It just doesn’t make sense and I think fans just want Blur to clarify their position before more odd dates for next year are announced...