by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber private videos leaked online by computer thief

Star taunted with threats of further leaks


Justin Bieber private videos leaked online by computer thief


The unidentified thief who recently stole Justin Bieber’s laptop has started to post private videos of Justin on YouTube, and has set up a Twitter account to taunt and threaten the star.
He has messaged the ‘Baby’ singer on Twitter from the Twitter account @gexwy saying, “Good job with the password protected @justinbieber. weak.” To verify his point, the unknown thief posted links to private videos of Justin on YouTube. Watch below:

The thief stole the laptop from Bieber’s manager’s office whilst he was on stage in Tacoma. He has since posted a naked picture of Bieber, which many believe to be a fake.

The thief has threated to post something today with the aim upset Beiber and his millions of 'Beliebers'.

Bieber, seemingly unphased has responded on Twitter with, "@gexwy no matter what you have and what you post tomorrow i know my fans wont leave me. screw it. #toostrong." 

To which the thief replied simply,"haha. that is what u think. we will see tomorrow at NOON. last chance."

The world waits with bated breath…

Below: Justin Bieber and more stars on the red carpet



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