It's fine to be an obsessive fan of a band. Buying records, attending gigs and putting up posters is fine - but when you find yourself hiding in the bushes and rummaging through your idol's bins, you know you've got a problem.
But some fans have taken it even further still - killing animals, breaking their own bones and eating hair cut off their favourite pop star's head just to get the attention of the musician in question. We're talking seriously scary stuff here. Just this month, a One Direction fan claimed she had murdered her pet dog after the boyband ignored her pleas to follow her on Twitter *shudder*
From Beatle-mania to Bieber Fever, fans have always gone out of their way to get the attention of the object of their affections. But which fans have gone above and beyond? We take a look at the craziest fan gestures and which stars they idolise...