Photo: WENN.com
Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has announced that she will no longer be supporting Beyonce, at three of her dates, during the Australian segment of her Mrs Carter Show world tour.
The news comes just after the US-based hip hop artist cancelled her own headline shows earlier this month, as she took to her Twitter account to state "please don't buy any tickets unless they are to Beyonce." and "if I add any shows, I'll be the first to let you know".
International Entertainment Group's tour promoter explained that this was due to "unforeseen international scheduling conflict(s)" - the dates she will no longer be performing at are October 31st and November 1st and 2nd at the Allphones Arena. It has now been announced that her place will be taken by Stan Walker, 2009 Australian Idol's winner.
Below: watch Iggy Azalea's new video, 'Change Your Life'
The star has hit a number of stumbling blocks recently, with her debut album, The New Classic, having recently being pushed back to March 2014. Azalea was less than impressed with the decision, speaking of her disappointment with the release delay in an interview with news.com.au.
"The official date? F**ked if I know!" she said in early October 2013. "It's done, it's so depressing to say this but it's the beginning of March, it's so far away but I just have to accept that.
Below: Iggy Azalea gets cheeky with her Glastonbury performance