After a troubled fews years, it has now been confirmed that the dormant Hop Farm Festival will be making a comeback in 2014.
Following on from the cancellation of this year's event due to extremely poor ticket sales, the event will be re-styled as a smaller boutique festival that will offer more than just music and accomodate 20,000 punters. The re-sizing of the event seems to be a wise choice due to the recession that was blamed for the banishing of the event to the festival boneyard, dissipating in favour of economic growth. It is scheduled to take place from 4-6 July, 2013.
Hop Farm has stated that this is good news for music fans as Miguel Fenton head of marketing for the site stated: “The event is going ahead, which is great news. There will be a fresh approach under a new promoter".
Kent Online report that the new promoter is speculated to be Neil Butkeratis who organises the Flashback Festival in Nottinghamshire. His Twitter reads: “Great couple of days in London, ,very productive and some great artists lined up....looking forward to a full festival season next year, exciting times ahead with Flashback, Hop Farm and Chelmsford.”
In its prior incarnation Hop Farm secured some heavyweight headliners including Prince, Morrissey and Bob Dylan.
Below: Photos from Hop Farm 2011