A Texas stripper who had the privelige of dancing for shirtless DJ hassler and mop bucket urinator Justin Bieber has been subjected to Twitter attacks from his fans.
The furore began over the weekend when Justin Bieber frequented a Texas stripclub where he procured the services of a dancer named Diamond. Following the show he tipped her $10,000 dollars, and the following media coverage has enraged the jealous brains of the singer's teeny bopper audience. She tweeted the following picture of her meagre tip, which provoked pure outrage:
💸💸💸💸 pic.twitter.com/JxT2l3hrQa
— Diamond (@1real_diamond) October 19, 2013
Bieber's fans quickly responded with the following repartee:
@FlirtForBieber tweeted, “Aw I love my idol! Justin Bieber goes to a club and he gives money to the poor.”
@JustinJb659 tweeted, “@1real_diamond Stripper will clean your ass for this then come to speak ill of him. Hahaha”
@biebsourreason tweeted, “@1real_diamond bitch, fuck you.”
@biebsourreason tweeted, “@1real_diamond he don’t even know your name, he don’t even remember you existence. fuck yourself bitch.”
@juztinholic tweeted, “who cares, no one takes you seriously.”
@Mariana_life_ tweeted, “@1real_diamond B**ch!”
To which Diamond responded: “y’all Deranged Fans Are Not Gone Let Me Live !!!??”
Bieber also recently courted controversy with the DJ community this month by harassing DJ Michael Woods in South Korea. Deadmau5 defended the EDM star and attacked Bieber on Twitter telling him to "grow the fuck up already".