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When the promo video to Madonna's 'Like A Prayer' was released in 1989 it caused an immediate outrage. It depicts burning crosses, Madonna developing stigmata and most controversially the singer fornicating with a statue of Saint Mart�n de Porres come to life, who some people claim to be a black Jesus. The Vatican and other Christian groups slammed it, but this has only helped to raise the video's profile and entrench it in pop history.
- What about The Stranglers and their 1981 album Themeninblack which had the prefix of The Gospel According to... This album dealt with the concept that God is an extra terrestrial being and that therefore all religons are built on falsehood. The cover featured Da Vinci's The Last Supper as a gatefold sleeve and on it Judas Iscariot had been replaced by a Maninblack.

- "I
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- Praise be to Dawkins! Only say the word and Hitchens will be there!

- It seems like RUSH has promoted rational thought and a bent against supernaturalism. They've never said they don't believe, outright; but, they seem very intelligent and rational.

- RUSH has said that they don't believe, both in interviews, and most recently and strongly on their album "Snakes and Arrows". Check out the song "Faithless", which, as it promises, is about not believing.

» View all 24 comments~ by Stubs1310 11/27/2008
~ by Todd 11/28/2008
~ by hallehfookinlujah 11/28/2008
~ by Travis Morgan 11/28/2008
~ by Patti 11/28/2008
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