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The Many Faces Of Sir Paul McCartney

The legend's plethora of animated facial expressions...

  • Thursday, January 15, 2009
  • Photo by: / Splash News

We all love Sir Paul McCartney. Whether it be the heart-warming melodies of 'The Frog Chorus' or the awe-inspiring bagpipes on his defining career moment 'Mull of Kintyre', the legend has provided us with musical merriment for almost 50 years. Now that he's in his senior years, another bounding source of joy from the ex-Beatle is the variety of facial expressions he pulls to photographers. Click through to see the many hilarious faces of the most expressive man in music...

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  • aw cute eh! dont like the caption eh! its a bit harsh.

    ~ by LOVE 1/16/2009

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  • yea paul yoyr the best

    ~ by shaun barlow 1/22/2009

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  • I'd hate to be caught on camera with some of those expressions. Paul, though, is as great as ever.

    ~ by Renee 4/14/2009

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