5. Scouting For Girls - What can we say about this band that hasn't already been said? Well how about they're the single worst, most soul-sapping, boring band of office workers ever to inflict their awful sub-Keane warblings on an already depressed nation's ears. Scouting For Girls write songs a child might make in a primary school music class. Simple to the point of insulting lyrics about Elvis, James Bond and 'lovely girls' sung by a bloke called Roy is not the musical vision of the future we were promised.
16 of 20
You mean 'America' which was written by Andy Burrows? 
- This band should of been called Bog Roll...

- Can't argue with any of these!

- I agree with some, but Razorlight?! Hard-Fi?!
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Bit unfair on the Darkness IMO. They did exactly what it said on the tin and put some smiles on some otherwise glum emo faces. I kind of miss them...:(
» View all 65 comments~ by The_Gaz 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Ben 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Alfie 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Come on Gigwise 10/19/2009 Report
~ by The Yak 10/19/2009 Report