2. brokeNCYDE - Given their name which is meant to be play on words of 'Broken Inside', unsurprisingly brokeNCYDE are an emo band, but this isn't emo as we know it, oh no. Added to the mix is an unhealthy dose of 'crunk'- a highly processed and auto-tuned form of hip hop with added nauseating screams. By marrying the two genres, brokeNCDYDE hit upon a hidden level of rubbish, a bonus round of tawdry shit. Inexplicably popular, the band continue to break peoples ears and will to live the world over.
19 of 20
You mean 'America' which was written by Andy Burrows? 
- This band should of been called Bog Roll...

- Can't argue with any of these!

- I agree with some, but Razorlight?! Hard-Fi?!
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Bit unfair on the Darkness IMO. They did exactly what it said on the tin and put some smiles on some otherwise glum emo faces. I kind of miss them...:(
» View all 65 comments~ by The_Gaz 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Ben 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Alfie 10/19/2009 Report
~ by Come on Gigwise 10/19/2009 Report
~ by The Yak 10/19/2009 Report