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    Rammstein's New Album Deemed 'Harmful' To Young People

    It's banned for under 18's in Germany...

    November 10, 2009 by Scott Colothan

    • Let's not forget that we all have a choice as to whether or not we wish to allow ourselves to become offended by any of this stuff. "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense" (Proverbs 18:11). Think about it...

      ~ by J 11/10/2009 Report

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    • ^^ religious nut

      ~ by Mervin 11/10/2009 Report

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    • This is just typical of Rammstein, pushing the boundaries and we love it! Music has become too safe lately. We need characters like Rammstein out there.

      ~ by Anonymous 11/12/2009 Report

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    • I liked Rammstein a lot, but they are kinda going down the drain. To be clean is cooler and rarer, today. The cannibalistic stuff would fit better in communist china, vietnam, cuba, venezuela, south-africa and all those junk countries...

      ~ by krust 1/13/2010 Report

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    • Are you seriously comfortable calling South Africa a junk country? Pray do tell what makes you feel you are authorised to make such ridiculous and untrue allegations? Cannabalistic stuff fitting in better here??? Why do you say this? Do you think we are a bunch of barbarians or something?

      ~ by Robs 3/26/2010 Report

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