From 'Space Bound' and beyond...
In the aftermath of Eminem being branded as "evil" after the release of his latest video 'Space Bound', Gigwise takes a look at the rapper's Top 10 most controversial music videos.
The video for 'Space Bound', a track taken from the rapper's critically-acclaimed 2010 album 'Recovery', features Eminem fantasising about choking and killing a woman, before gorily turning a gun on himself.
The rapper has come under fire for depicting scenes of domestic and self-inflicted violence. Yet this isn't the first time that Eminem has been caught in the centre of controversy when it comes to both the celebrity impressions and shocking scenarios he interprets in his music videos.
Gigwise takes a look at 10 of Eminem's most controversial music videos to date, including 'Stan' and 'Without Me'.