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by Daniel Melia

Tags: Assembly Now 

Assembly Now - ‘It’s Magnetic/Out On 24s’ (Kids) Released 28/08/06



Assembly Now - ‘It’s Magnetic/Out On 24s’ (Kids) Released 28/08/06 Photo:

If the word epic could ever justifiably be attributed to a song of whippet thin, incessant angularity and indie-pop melody then Assembly Now’s ‘It’s Magnetic’ is that song. It quite literally soars past its peers on the back of front man Gavin Dwight’s impassioned vocals, at some points reflective in moments of chiming melancholia and at others driving stakes of relentless riffage straight through our hearts before building into a serene plateau. Second track ‘Out On 24s’ takes a less ambitious line but is no less successful. It has the distinct whiff of one Johnny Borrell’s handy work in the verses but the chorus is far more grand than anything the Dalston mouth has given us yet. Take it from us, Assembly Now are on the verge of going places and the direction is most definitely up.

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