by Jennifer Westmoreland

Greenwich Resident – ‘I Hid My Heroes EP' (Robot!) Released 20/11/06


Greenwich Resident – ‘I Hid My Heroes EP' (Robot!) Released 20/11/06


‘I Hid My Heroes’ is not a bad introduction to folk-inspired, mellow-indie pop, but it just doesn’t develop what could be a great potential.  First track ‘Imogen’ is the stand out of the EP, showing a poetic lyrical beauty not often seen in tracks claiming to be ‘indie’.  However, the EP shows little or no variation from the opening ballad.  Vocally, singer Tom Grant is similar to the wonderfully inspired Duke Special, but without any of the originality.  As a group they’ve been likened to Modest Mouse, but they show none of the same emotional intensity.  So they have a unique sound then you may say?  Well, unique doesn’t always mean good.

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