An electric atmosphere at The University of London Union
Aaron Crawford
16:50 16th November 2019

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Ominous red lights make up the name YAK at the back of the room and pulsating synth accompanies the band to the stage. The crowd launch right into crowdsurfing as YAK blitz through their first three songs, including the vicious single 'White Male Carnivore'.
You can't help but smile as the crowd join frontman Oli in screaming "he's got the whole wide world in his hands" at the top of their lungs over the pounding outro riff. The energy of both Oli and the crowd are infectious, and they feed off each other in an atmosphere of electricity.
Psychedelic single 'Bellyache' oozes out of the speakers as the band bounce between tracks from both of their albums, pleasing both old fans and new. The brash double hit of 'Use Somebody' and 'Alas Salvation' brings in the closing end of the set, whipping the crowd into a frezny before their outro.
Despite technical issues causing delays earlier in the evening, the alternative trio put on a solid show.

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Photo: Aaron Crawford