‘The aftereffect of Please Daddy will last a lifetime’
Al Mills
17:57 27th January 2020

When Patti Smith said, “We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves” she spoke directly to the lonesomely-longing liberations within us all. Please Daddy, the latest work from Melbourne-based artist Sarah Mary Chadwick is as emotionally dedicated as can be. A captured record of lifetime shedding (released via Sinderlyn Records), opening number ‘When Will Death Come’ is so painfully contacted it’s as if the New Zealand native’s singer’s mind, body and soul are all clambering to both possess and escape the boney crevices of an other-ly ached spirit. 

With enough bedrock melancholy to recreate montage scenes out of Bridget Jones Diary twice over, this is an education in the freedom found within caution - “talking like a parent as you come down the stairs and head out to do who knows what.”

Tracing knotty bruises down the spine of what it means to be discomforted but still moving, it’s impossible not to indulge in the sadness. And that is totally okay. ‘Let’s Fight' could well be a cry to your senses or, a call to re-handle arms. With enough build to provoke climbing mountains and rip-roaring your soul at peaked sunrise, it’s as much rambling motivation for self-discovery as is an observation for quiet shake-off-the-blues moments that push towards breaking point; before taking a turn for the lifted.  

Stripped back only to accentuate charm like scratching paint off of an “in memory of” park bench heading towards the burner, take as long as you need with this number; it’ll be worth it in the long run. Nothing sticks - but the aftereffect of Please Daddy will last a lifetime. 

Sarah Mary Chadwick is not allowed in heaven and yet, she has created sanctity for those of us dwelling. 

Please Daddy is out now via Sinderlyn Records.